It's Not Too Early: Information You Should Organize Now 

This checklist will help keep your ducks in a row. 

Home Health Agencies will need a long list of information when you begin scheduling follow-up care for your child. While you are in the hospital, it is helpful to gather as much information as you can to ensure a quick transition.

  • Names and phone numbers of your child’s primary care doctor and specialists, as well as the case manager at the insurance company
  • Dates of scheduled follow-up appointments
  • Primary and secondary insurance coverage, including policyholder name, policy number and group number
  • Child’s medical history, including dates of onset of conditions/diseases and previous surgeries
  • Child’s allergies to food, medication, tape, latex A current medication list including the name, concentration, dose, route, frequency and time for each one your child is taking
  • Information about your home environment — Is your water source fluoridated? Was your home built before 1978? Do you have lead pipes or old paint?
  • Names and numbers of electric and gas companies
  • Information about your family’s schedule — When are parents or siblings at home? When does your child attend school? Do you need nursing coverage over the weekends based on your work schedule?
  • A letter from your child’s school, if applicable, to help your health insurance plan coordinate the care he or she needs while in school
  • A letter from your and/or your spouse’s employer to verify your work schedule
  • A letter from your child’s physician to verify the medical necessity of shift nursing care
  • Child’s immunization records
  • Names and numbers of: Police, fire and rescue departments, emergency contacts (family, friends, neighbors, etc.), preferred hospital and pharmacy and your equipment/DME company